Please follow the steps given below to view pre-existing appointments that clash with a Block Hour being added: 

  1. Head into the Calendar section from the toolbar on the left side of the screen. 

  1. Use the dropdown switcher to select the center in which you want to add block hour. 

  1. Click on the plus button on the button right of the screen to open a pop-up window to add block hour.

  1. Click on the ‘Out of office’ tab to add block hours. 

    1. Enter a title of the block hour

    2. Select a date and time during which you’d like to block availability

    3. Select the instructor for which you want to add a block hour

    4. Click on ‘Save’.

  2. If there are any pre-existing appointments that clash with the block hour being added, the system will show it as a list. 

  3. You have the option to - 

    1. Continue and add the block hour on top of the already existing appointments. 

    2. Go back to the previous screen and change the block hour date/time.

    3. Go back to the previous screen and cancel the appointments.

The system gives you the option to download the list as a CSV and then move the appointments to another date and time/ cancel them altogether.