Company admin

The company admin is able to manage all the centers associated with that Company/Center Owner profile.

Please contact if you are looking to get a company admin added to your Company/Center Owner profile. 

Location admin

The location admin is able to manage only the center(s) that they are assigned to, within an account. 

Please follow the steps given below to add a location admin -

  1. Go to the ‘Settings’ section from the toolbar on the left. 

  1. Go to the ‘Centers’ section under the ‘Organization settings’ tab.     

  2. Click on the center at which you want to invite a location administrator. This will open the details of that center. 

  1. Scroll down to the bottom to find the ‘Who manages this center?’ section to find all the administrators for that center. 

  2. Click on the ‘+Invite’ button in the bottom left corner of this section to invite location administrators to this center. A pop-up window will appear.

  1. Enter the name and email address of the location administrator in the pop-up window to invite them to this center. 

  1. Note - Keep ‘notify by email’ checked to send them an invitation email. This email contains a one-time link that allows the administrator to set a password to their account and log into Appointy M as a location administrator for the centers that they’re invited to. 

  2. If you want to invite the same user as the location administrator of another center, follow steps 3-7 again for that center.